Monday, March 25, 2013

Borderlinks: Day One: Journey to Tucson and First Impressions

Day One: Journey to Tucson and First Impressions

Waking up and meeting at 4 o'clock in the morning was a struggle for most of us. But the excitement and anticipation that pondered our minds made it worth it. Having our first flight to Phoenix delayed, our group put in serious work, literally running to the next terminal to board our next flight to Tucson. We definitely cut it short. And before we knew it, we had arrived at Tucson, Arizona. At the airport, we were met by two Borderlink delegates. They picked us up and we were on our way to the Borderlink hostile. After an interesting icebreaker  and a general tour of the Borderlinks hostile, we sat down and had our first organic meal with the Borderlink coordinators. Not the food we had in mind but definitely delicious. After a healthy and filling lunch, we had a presentation by another Borderlink leader. She gave us a history on immigration and how it has evolved throughout the years, as well as the differing perspectives surrounding this predominant issue. After a long morning, it was time for some well deserved down time. While some of us decided to tour the streets of Tucson, others decided to catch up on hours of sleep. Then came the highlight of our day...Mike Wilson! Mike Wilson came to Borderlinks to talk to us about his first hand accounts with migrants and families of migrants, and his active role in the issues surrounding immigration. Mike Wilson plays an active role in serving migrants. He spends his days placing water at reserves where they are available to people crossing the border. His insights and contribution to the issue of immigration made him a truly inspirational figure. Despite being shunned by government tribes, his strong moral sense of community and perception of spirituality enabled him to do what was morally right. And finally, we ended our day with a reflection on our initial thoughts of Tucson, the speakers, and the issue of immigration.

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